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How to Learn from Mistakes

  Everybody makes mistakes but not everyone learns from them. Some people make the same mistakes over and over again, fail to make any real progress, and can’t figure out of reasons. Why?   When we make mistakes, it can be hard to admit them because doing so feels like an attack on our self-worth. This tendency poses a huge problem because new research proves something that commonsense has told us for a very long time—fully acknowledging and embracing errors is the only way to avoid repeating them. Yet, many of us still struggle with this. Researchers from the Clinical Psychophysiology Lab at Michigan State University found that people fall into one of two camps when it comes to mistakes: those who have a fixed mind-set (“Forget this; I’ll never be good at it”) those who have a growth mind-set (“What a wake-up call! Let’s see what I did wrong so I won’t do it again”).     Ø   Those with a growth mind-set land on their feet...
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